What We Do
Our department has long focused on significant issues of atmospheric research. The main topics include climate and climate change, modeling atmospheric chemistry and air quality, modeling turbulent flow on small scales, research on the upper layers of the atmosphere, or the study and modeling of gravity waves. We are involved in many important domestic and international scientific projects in these areas, actively engaging our students as well.
Research and Educational Activities
Atmospheric research at MFF UK is based on hydrodynamics, atmospheric thermodynamics, and continuum mechanics, among other fields, and leverages knowledge from various physical sciences. Our scientific and educational activities primarily focus on the following key areas:
- Study of Climate System Dynamics and Development: Numerical modeling of climatic processes, climate models, climate change issues and future projections, urban climate, geoengineering.
- Dynamic and Synoptic Meteorology: Current state of the atmosphere, its development, numerical modeling of atmospheric processes, and weather forecasting.
- Modeling Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality: Impacts on weather and climate, specifics of large agglomerations.
- Flow in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Modeling atmospheric turbulence, modeling small-scale flows and urban environments, modeling transport, dispersion, and transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere.
- Middle Atmosphere Processes: Stratosphere, stratospheric ozone, mesosphere, the role of atmospheric waves, large-scale circulation.
- Nonlinear Dynamic Systems in the Atmosphere: Deterministic chaos and predictability of atmospheric processes.
- Satellite Observations, Cloud and Precipitation Physics, Atmospheric Aerosols
We collaborate on research and education with several other research institutions such as the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CzechGlobe), the Czech Technical University in Prague, and the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. We also actively collaborate with numerous foreign universities and research institutes across Europe and on other continents worldwide.
More Information
For more information about our department's study programs and research activities, please visit the Study page. Further details on our research projects and publications can be found on the Science page.