Welcome to the 5th Gravity Wave Workshop in Prague, Czech Republic 10–11 JULY 2025

Unresolved processes in climate models present a major source of uncertainty in future climate projections. This workshop will get together experts on GW dynamics, observations, modelling and climate effects to discuss recent developments and frame future research avenues.


10 – 11.7.2025

Abstract submission

Open until May 2025. Please contact Dominika Hájková (dominika.hajkova at matfyz.cuni.cz).

As there is no registration fee and a limited capacity of the venue (around 80 participants), we cannot guarantee to accept each submission.


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (campus Troja, lecture room T1), Charles University
V Holešovičkách 2
Prague, 180 00
Use the main entrance to get to T1, which is in direct vicinity.

How to get here?

By public transport: from Nádraží Holešovice (train/bus/metro station) by bus n. 187 to Pelc Tyrolka or n. 201 to Kuchyňka or by foot (cca 15 min).

By car: there is free parking at the campus.


Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta
Katedra fyziky atmosféry

V Holešovičkách 747/2, 180 00 Praha 8
IČ: 00216208, DIČ: CZ00216208