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Welcome to the Department of Atmospheric Physics
Jako jediné univerzitní pracoviště v ČR poskytujeme ucelené vzdělání v oblastech meteorologie a klimatologie včetně matematicko-fyzikálního popisu. The Department is part of the the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University in Prague. We provide training for professionals in the field of Fyzika atmosféry, meteorology and climatology focusing on all levels of study - from bachelor, to master, and doctoral. For more information on the courses, study plans and requirements to state tests can be found in section Study. Latest News, information from teachers and head of the department, see News a Reports KFA.
Our students and students have a broad perspective of application, for example, in research institutes and institutions of higher education, in industrial development centers focusing on studying the flow, the business environment in connection with the expert knowledge of statistical modeling techniques, in the field of crisis management in the context of extreme weather phenomena or a range of economic sectors affected by atmospheric storyline such as the energy sector.
Research and study at our department to focus on highly topical issues of high societal impact - the main issues include climate and climate change, modeling of atmospheric chemistry and air quality, turbulent flow modeling in small scale research or gravitational waves and their impact on global circulation. The Department is involved in the areas concerned and involved in a number of foreign and domestic research projects.
Field of meteorology and climatology at MFF UK currently based mainly on hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of the atmosphere, the widely used knowledge of other branches of physics. Scientific and educational activities of our department are focused on several key areas:
- studying the dynamics and development of the climate system, numerical modeling of the processes involved, climate models, issues of climate change and projections of future development
- flow in the boundary layer, modeling of atmospheric turbulence and modeling of atmospheric transport, spatial dispersion and transformation of the pollutants in the air
- dynamic and synoptic meteorology, current state of the atmosphere and its development, weather forecast
- nonlinear dynamical systems in the atmosphere, deterministic chaos and predictability of atmospheric processes
- processes of the middle atmosphere, stratosphere and stratospheric ozone, large-circulation, links with other regions of the atmosphere, influence of solar activity
- modeling of atmospheric chemistry and air quality
- satellite observations, physics of clouds and precipitation, atmospheric aerosols…
More to do, What topics include studies and research at our department, you all today belong to the Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, visit What we do. The specific list of research projects, involving faculty members, see Research and publications, where a list of our current publications.