+420 221 912 537

+420 221 912 533

Eva.Holtanova @ mff.cuni.cz

Teaching, Schedule, Theses

A 1130 (1206), Departments Building Troja


Studentské projekty:

Ukázky závěrečných zpráv vybraných studentkých projektů jsou here.

Research specialization:
Analysis of the outcomes of global and regional climate models, sources of uncertainty, validation of climate model outputs with a particular focus on the Czech Republic. Climate change scenarios, uncertainty sources and methods of evaluation. The internal variability of the climate system.

Impacted publications:

  • J. Mikšovský, And. Holtanová, and P. Pišoft, 2016: Imprints of climate forcings in global gridded temperature data. Earth Syst. Dynam., 7, 231-249, 2016. doi:10.5194/esd-7-231-2016.
  • Belda, M., Holtanová, And., Kalvová, J., Blouse, T., 2016. Global warming induced changes of climate zones based on CMIP5 projections. Climate Research, accepted.
  • Holtanová, E., Mikšovský, J., 2016: Spread of regional climate model projections: vertical structure and temporal evolution. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002 / joc.4684.
  • Kaspar M., Müller M., Crhová L., E. Holtanová, Polasek JF, Pop L., Valeriánová, A., 2016. Relationship between Czech windstorms and air temperature. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002 / joc.4682.
  • A. Valeriánová, The. Crhová, And. Holtanová, M. Buffoon, M. Müller and J. Chest, 2015. High temperature extremes in the Czech Republic 1961-2010 and their synoptic variants. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. DOI: 10.1007 / s00704-015-1614-8.
  • M. Müller, M. Buffoon, A. Valeriánová, The. Crhová, And. Holtanová, and B. Gvoždíková, 2015. Novel indices for the comparison of precipitation extremes and floods: an example from the Czech territory. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 4641-4652, 2015, www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/19/4641/2015/. doi:10.5194/hess-19-4641-2015
  • Belda, M., Holtanová, And., Blouse, T., Kalvová, J., Loaf, Z., 2015. Evaluation of CMIP5 present climate simulations using the Köppen‑Trewartha climate classification. Climate research, 64: 201–212. doi: 10.3354 / cr01316
  • Holtanová, And., Valeriánová, A., Crhová, L., 2015. Heat wave of August 2012 in the Czech Republic: Comparison of two approaches to assess high temperature events. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 59: 159-172. DOI: 10.1007/s11200-014-0805-6
  • Belda, M., Holtanová, And., Blouse, T., Kalvová, J., 2014. Climate classification revisited: From Köppen to Trewartha. Climate Research, 59: 1–13. doi: 10.3354/cr01204
  • Crhová, L., Holtanová, And., Kalvová, J., Uniform, A., 2014. Performance of ALADIN-CLIMATE/CZ over the area of the Czech Republic in comparison with ENSEMBLES regional climate models. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 58: 148-169, DOI: 10.1007/s11200-013-1107-0.
  • Holtanová, And., Kalvová, J., Pišoft, P., Mikšovský, J., 2014. Uncertainty in regional climate model outputs over the Czech Republic: the role of nested and driving models, International Journal of Climatology, 34: 27-35. DOI: 10.1002 / joc.3663
  • Zíková, N., Holtanová, And., Kalvová, J., 2013. Precipitation annual cycle in regional climate models: the influence of horizontal resolution. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, 3-4, 521-533. DOI 10.1007/s00704-012-0749-0.
  • Pišoft, P., Holtanová, And., Huszar, P., Kalvová, J., Mikšovský, J., Raidl, A., Student, M., Zemánková, K., 2013. Manifestation of reanalyzed QBO and SSC signals, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112 (3-4), pp. 637-646, DOI: 10.1007 / s00704-012-0752-5
  • Holtanová, And., Mikšovský, J., Kalvová, J., Pišoft, P., Motl, M., 2012. Performance of ENSEMBLES regional climate models over Central Europe using various metrics, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 108(3-4), pp. 463-470 DOI: 10.1007 / s00704-011-0542-5
  • Pišoft, P., Holtanová, And., Huszar, P., Mikšovský, J., Student, M., 2012. Imprint of the 11-year solar cycle in reanalyzed and radiosonde datasets: a spatial frequency analysis approach, Climatic Change, 110(1-2), pp. 85-99, DOI: 10.1007 / s10584-011-0147-0
  • Holtanová, And., Kalvová, J., Mikšovský, J., Pišoft, P., Motl, M., 2010. Analysis of uncertainties in regional climate model outputs over the Czech Republic. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 54, pp. 513-528

Reviewed publications:

  • Holtanová, And., Kalvová, J., 2015. Uncertainty outcomes of regional climate models. Weather reports, 68, No. 4.
  • Valeriánová, A., Holtanová, And., Crhová, L., 2013: KLIMATOLOGIE PŘÍČINNÝCH SRÁŽEK ČERVNOVÉ POVODNĚ V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE V ROCE 2013. Weather reports, 66, 6, 190 – 196.
  • Holtanová, And., 2012. Climate change scenarios. Air Protection, 24 (44), No. 4, 11–14.
  • Vondráková, A., Holtanová, And., 2011: Poznávání klimatu prostřednictvím e-learningu, Geographical Review, 20, No. 5, 12-13.
  • Kalvová, J., Mikšovský, J., Holtanová, And., 2010. Climate and its simulation. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 60, No. 6, 331-332.
  • Holtanová, And., Tolasz, R., Pretzel, J., Metelka, L., Jilkova, J., Voženílek, V., 2010. The causes and consequences of climate change. Air Protection, 22 (42), No. 4, 15–19.
  • Tolasz, R., Voženílek, V., Jilkova, J., Vavra, A., Pechanec, V., Nemcova, Z., Šeflová, J., Holtanová, And., Herb, M., Vondráková, A., 2010. E-learningové kurzy o klimatu a jeho změně pro široké spektrum uživatelů (projekt e-klima). Weather reports, 63, 156–163.
  • Kalvová, J., Holtanová, And., Motl, M., Mikšovský, J., Pišoft, P., Raidl, A. (2010): Odhady rozsahu změn klimatu na území České republiky pro tři časová období 21. century on the basis of outputs AR4 models. Weather reports, year 63, No. 2, pp. 57-66.
  • Kalvová, J., Holtanová, And., Mikšovský, J., Motl, M., Pišoft, P., Raidl, A., Uniform, A., Kliegrová, S., Metelka, The. (2009): Výběr globálních klimatických modelů pro posouzení neurčitostí odhadů budoucích změn klimatu v oblasti ČR. Weather reports, 62, pp. 97-106.
  • Černochová, And., Kalvová, J., 2007. Changes in the length of the characteristic temperatures, Weather reports, 60, 85–90.