The atmosphere can be divided into several layers according to, whether temperature with increasing altitude naturally decreases or increases. Meteorology is largely devoted to particular processes in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, so. troposphere, wherein the temperature decreases with altitude. At altitudes 10-16 km (depending on the latitude), the drop in temperature but finally stops when the temperature begins to rise with the height. This is characteristic of other atmospheric layer, so. stratosphere. The reason for the gradual increase in temperature, the presence of the ozone layer, which is an essential condition for the existence and development of life on Earth. Conditions in the stratosphere is substantially different from those in the troposphere. The stratosphere is dry (almost no water is present), clean (no more aerosols present everywhere), stable and without contact with the ground (i.e.. without ground layer). Above the stratosphere, at altitudes of about 50-85 km, is mezosféra. In this layer, the atmosphere temperature with height decreases again. Yet there is an area above thermosféry. The term middle atmosphere It is commonly known as the region between the troposphere (10-16 km) to the border about 110 km (the area called. homopauzy).
Research on the role of the middle atmosphere in the climate system over the last decade significantly changed. Owing to the rapid development of satellite measurements with sufficient vertical extent is today the link between middle atmosphere and troposphere, so. coupling procesy, subjected to intensive research. Turns, the stratosphere plays an active role and nature of the tropospheric circulation in the short-term development, seasonal changes and interannual variability (which play an important role in phenomena such as ENSO, QBO, volcanic activity or solar forcing). A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of communication between these layers contributes not only such. opportunities to improve weather forecasts, is also beneficial with regard to research the impact of changes in greenhouse gas concentrations in the troposphere, and changes of the total amount of ozone. It is these elements turn out to be important factors influencing large-circulation in the middle atmosphere, which has an impact on polar circulation and by such. back on ozone concentrations and therefore the degree of penetration of UV radiation into the troposphere. Strong link between polar stratospheric circulation in the tropospheric circulation has the practical aspects of the regime weather at the Earth's surface.
Research on middle atmosphere in the relatively new field of meteorology. But it turns out, the processes in the upper atmosphere have a significant impact on the conditions of the surface layer. Middle atmosphere is also the area, where the ozone layer. I thus acquires studies of the middle atmosphere becomes increasingly important.
Areas of the middle atmosphere is paid one lecture and a Master's degree one for doctoral studies. Currently, the department addressed two PhD and one Bachelor's thesis focused on processes in the middle atmosphere. It is solved by a student project GAUK 108313 “The dynamics of the stratosphere and troposphere and links to the mesosphere” and other proposals are submitted to the grant competitions.