Meteorology deals with the Earth's atmosphere, its composition, properties, processes and phenomena in the ongoing, in the strict sense is equated with Atmospheric Physics. And just as the physics of the atmosphere with her at the department dealing. Meteorology includes many disciplines, belongs to those essential dynamic meteorology, synoptic meteorology, physics of clouds and precipitation, Atmospheric optics, acoustics of a elektřina, climatology, atmospheric chemistry and radioactivity, meteorological instruments and methods of observation, včetně distančních metod meteorologických měření a interpretace jejich výsledků (družicová a radiolokační meteorologie) nebo hydrometeorologie, represents an important boundary area in relation to the hydrology. S meteorology is closely linked to large-scale problems of air pollution by anthropogenic additions.


Perhaps the best known application is the field of meteorology weather forecast. Weather forecast is based on a detailed analysis termobarického and humidity fields in the physical state of the atmosphere and Earth's surface. It is used primarily while NWP based on the integration of differential equations, in a specific model approaches describe the dynamics and thermodynamics of the atmosphere. To complement the numerical predictions, as well as for their refinement and interpretation at their own weather events, by employing methods of statistical predictions. Subjective experience Forecaster still have a big role and apply, especially when interpreting the results of numerical predictions of local conditions, particularly in the occurrence of extreme small scale. Given, that any prediction methods capture atmospheric happens only in a certain approach, weather forecasts are usually probabilistic rather than strictly deterministic nature. Consequently, that get the most out of them can primarily user information, which is the necessary extent familiar with the possibilities of Meteorology and the basic properties of the atmosphere. In due time issued and applied correctly forecast the weather allows the user to take effective practical measures in various fields of human activity.

Research in the field of weather forecasting issue includes a very diverse and wide range of topics, velkou výzvou zůstává například zlepšení lokalizace předpovědi extrémních nebezpečných jevů (zejména konvektivní bouře a s nimi spojené přívalové srážky), but also forecast low cloud in the winter half of the year, and in terms of the public often required long-term weather forecasts.

At present, the department addressed two dissertation věnujících se předpovědi konvekce s využitím družicových dat (více here), jedna disertační práce se zabývá problematikou dlouhodobých předpovědí počasí (viz here).

In the lectures offered by the Department, students can choose from a very varied range of subjects, bring them to the problems of weather forecasts. Basic information about the atmosphere, behavior of meteorological elements and concepts such as atmospheric fronts, tlakové útvary nebo tryskové proudění získají studenti na přednáškách (NMET036 a NMET035), několik přednášek je věnováno fyzice (viz NMET002 a NMET031) a dynamice atmosféry (například NMET023 a NMET024), nezbytnou znalostí meteorologa jsou distanční metody v meteorologii (detaily NMET020 a NMET073). Katedra ale nabízí i řadu specializovaných přednášek týkající se například fyziky oblaků a srážek (viz NMET003), elektrických jevů (NMET001) nebo letecké meteorologie (NMET015).

Zájemce o numerické modelování v meteorologii se zaměřením na předpovědi počasí určitě uspokojí řada přednášek na tomto poli (například NMET008, NMET054, NMET059, NMET060, NMAF013 or NMAF014).


Example inputs and outputs for weather forecast.

Storm clouds over Germany, 12. July 2011 17:40 UTC, bridesmaids MSG-1


RGB composite image from the satellite MSG-1


72Hourly temperature 2 m and wind speed and direction in 10 m nad zemí (z termínu 24.11.2013 00 UTC), WRF-ARW model with a horizontal resolution 30 km