DEPARTMENT of Atmospheric Physics

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague


Overview of selected subjects KFA MFF UK for ZS 2018/2019

Přehled všech našich předmětů naleznete na Níže uvádíme přehled vybraných pro zimní semestr.   Hydrodynamika – NMET034 Detailní informace na Uživatelsky přátelský LinuxNMET065 Detailní informace na Zpracování fyzikálních dat v RNMET076 Detailní informace na Šíření akustických...

Meeting with students 1. 10. 2018

Come to inform about study opportunities, research and projects at the Department of Atmospheric Physics. As the only university department in the Czech Republic offer a comprehensive study of Atmospheric Physics, Research at our department is additionally focuses on highly topical issues of high societal impact. The show will be our basic research directions, opportunities for cooperation to address ongoing projects, témata absolventských prací anebo...

Scenarios of climate change for Prague

To evaluate the effects of climate change in urban areas were processed outputs simulations of regional climate models Initiative EURO-CORDEX. group 8 resolution regional models in approximately 12 km simulated scenarios for climate period 2021-2050 assuming increased concentrations of greenhouse gases by scenario RCP4.5 (concentration equivalent + 4.5W / m2 in 2100) And RCP8.5 (+8.5 W / m2 in 2100).  ...

schedule LS 2016/17 (First version)

It was published the first version of our schedule of courses for summer semester 2016/17.

Student projects and themes work in cooperation KFA and MFF UK ČEZ a.s..

Přemýšlíte nad uplatněním po ukončení studia? Chcete si vyzkoušet spolupráci s jedním z největších zaměstnavatelů v ČR? Katedra fyziky atmosféry MFF UK a ČEZ a.s. It offers research topics for addressing student projects and graduate work. In connection with the development of renewable energy sources is now in high demand for energy analysts versed in physics ...

Research and Study 2016/2017

RESEARCH AND STUDIES 2016/2017 – next Monday 3.10. in 10:30 se uskuteční tradiční schůzka na začátek zimního semestru. Come with us to familiarize and inform about the possibilities of studying, topics of graduate theses and research projects. Further information can be found on our website in general introduction, review student projects and describe our research themes. Overview currently offered undergraduate work ...

KFA schedule for ZS 2016/2017

Rozvrh KFA pro LS 2015/2016

Rozvrh KFA pro LS 2015/2016

Year 2015 It will probably be the warmest year since 1850

Selected information from the report WMO “The state of the global climate in 2015” (Press Release No 13, 25 November 2015). Předběžné odhady založené na údajích pro leden až říjen (včetně) ukazují, the "annual" Global average air temperature at the earth's surface for year 2015 It is still on 0,73 ± 0,09 ° C above the average for the period 1961-1990...
Simulátor tornáda

Tornado simulator

Tornado simulator, which they in the Department of Atmospheric Physics assembled for demonstration purposes. The animation below are shots of the preparation and presentation of simulation simulator at the Open Day MFF UK 26. 11. 2015. The author of the simulator is Mgr. Peter Huszár Ph.D. Příprava a ladění provozu simulátoru tornáda: Den otevřených dveří MFF UK 26. 11. 2015:

KFA schedule for ZS 2015

A new report WMO

The report, “WMO statement on the status of the global climate in 2014” was traditionally issued on the date of World Meteorological Day.